Like all skin growths, it is important to have them checked by an expert to make sure that they are truly a seborrhoeic keratosis, and not a more worrying cancerous growth. Seborrheic keratosis may sometimes be confused with a malignant melanoma.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, it is a matter of patient choice whether to treat them or not. The NHS will not offer removal for cosmetic reasons; we are pleased to be able to offer the option of treatment for those who would like it.
If a growth appears to be high-risk for cancer, we do not offer treatment, but support urgent referral back to NHS cancer specialists.
You will leave with a waterproof dressing on the wound, and a spare dressing in case it needs changing. We advise taking some paracetamol to counteract any pain which you may experience when the local anaesthetic wears off after four hours or so. It is normal to form a scab at the excision site, which usually drops away after around two weeks to leave a pink scar, which should fade to skin colour over a few months.
We remain available for any advice or follow-up which is required: all patients leave with our emergency contact details, including an out of hours emergency phone line.
The cost of a consultation is £100. Unlike some clinics, we do not bundle this in with the cost of mole removal, as we believe it is important to offer our patients a no-pressure, personalised consultation with our experienced doctor. As the cost of the consultation has been paid in full, there is never any pressure or expectation for patients to have a procedure, when sometimes, reassurance or advice is all that is needed.
The cost of a single seborrhoeic keratosis shave excision is £250. The cost of removing a second or subsequent lesion during the same appointment is £100. Bespoke pricing is available for the removal of large numbers of lesions, 15-20 can be removed in a single procedure if required. Please contact us for a quote.
Histology (lab analysis of the mole we have removed) is charged at £95 per sample. We pass this cost straight on from our laboratory partners with no markup.